Hogan Administration Announces Completion of Distribution of 500,000 Meal Kits to Marylanders in Need
ANNAPOLIS, MD – The Hogan administration today announced the completion of an initiative first announced in late February to bring approximately 500,000 surplus shelf-stable meal kits to Marylanders in need. Through a partnership between the Maryland Department of General Services (DGS), the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives (GOCI), and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the meal kits, valued at over $2 million, were distributed to Maryland nonprofit organizations, including food pantries and shelters, whose mission is to feed the underserved throughout Maryland. Over the five-week period, distributions centers were established in Allegany, Anne Arundel, Calvert, Cecil, Howard, Prince George’s, Washington, and Wicomico counties, and Baltimore City.
“We are proud to be able to provide these meals to Marylanders in need, and we thank the great organizations across our state that serve our most vulnerable citizens for partnering with us on this initiative,” said Governor Larry Hogan. “I commend the efforts of the Maryland Department of General Services, the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives, and the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development to expand the reach of this program across Maryland.”
The distribution of the shelf-stable meal kits was made available through the Department of General Services’ Federal Surplus Donation Program. As the designated Maryland state agency to receive surplus property through the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), DGS administers the program, which enables eligible, non-federal organizations to obtain surplus personal property no longer required by the federal government, and at no cost. The state confirmed a critical demand of 500,000 meals equaling 468 pallets (18 truckloads) of meal kits from Greensville, North Carolina to regions across Maryland.
“The Department of General Services is proud of the dedication and hard work of everyone involved in coordinating the acquisition and distribution of the meal kits across the state,” said Secretary Ellington Churchill. “The response from the organizations who have received the meal kits has been very positive, DGS is grateful that we were able to assist in addressing a critical need in our communities.”
Local Governments, non-profits, and other interested organizations were made aware of the program through outreach efforts led by the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives. The food kits have been distributed to 130 organizations throughout Maryland.
“Our office was honored to partner with the Department of General Services and the Department of Housing and Community Development on this important initiative established through Governor Hogan’s leadership to provide meal kits to Marylanders in need through our growing network of local governments, non-profits, and other organizations,” said Steve McAdams, Executive Director of the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives. “We look forward to future partnerships to connect important resources to Maryland Communities, and help to change Maryland for the better.”