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Governor Hogan Makes Public Service Announcement Calling Maryland to Serve

Maryland Leads Nation in Volunteering, Community Service

ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan asked Marylanders to participate in the annual Martin Luther King Day of Service today and released a public service announcement, through the Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism, calling all Marylanders to volunteer in their communities. Maryland was recently ranked fourth in the nation for volunteering and service by Wallethub.

“Maryland has some of the kindest and most compassionate citizens in the nation, and we champion those who light the way in our quest to serve others,” said Governor Hogan. “All of our stories are deeply connected and our communities are stronger when our citizens reach out to help one another.”

Maryland citizens continue to dedicate themselves to creating a stronger Maryland by serving their neighbors. At the America’s Service Commissions (ASC) Innovation & Leadership Awards, Governor Hogan was awarded the 2019 State Service Leadership Award for being a champion of national and community service as a cost-effective solution to solving state needs. Governor Hogan continues to champion national and community service in Maryland with a public service announcement slated to broadcast on many local television and radio stations, and concludes the PSA saying, “Proudly, I serve Maryland. Won’t you join me?”

Governor's Office on Service and Volunteerism PSA

Nearly 2 million Marylanders volunteered to provide 181.9 million hours of service, and generated an economic value of $4.3 billion across the state of Maryland in 2018. The Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism recognizes an average of 25,000 Maryland volunteers per year, allocates $5 million in federal funds to Maryland organizations just this fiscal year, and celebrates volunteerism through the Youth Service AwardsGovernor’s Service Awards, and Black History Month Community Leaders Awards.

The Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism’s website is a centralized location to find volunteer opportunities across Maryland, as well as Maryland AmeriCorps opportunities for those who are seeking to commit to national service. Visit our website at and let us know with #iServeMD.

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