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Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism, Volunteer Maryland Join Maryland Business Leaders to Discuss International IMPACT2030

ANNAPOLIS, MD– The Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism and Volunteer Maryland yesterday joined business leaders from across the region to discuss potential collaborative efforts with the United Nations, corporations, nonprofits, academia, and other stakeholders to address Maryland needs through employee volunteerism as part of the IMPACT2030 initiative. IMPACT2030 is a global, private sector-led effort focused on activating human capital investments through employee volunteer programs to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – established through a unanimous vote in 2015.

“Service continues to be an important aspect in the lives of all Marylanders as seen in a newly released report which ranks Maryland as 14th in the nation for volunteering, and recent studies have shown that employers that commit to establishing a working environment that includes social responsibility and promotes volunteer initiatives tend to have a more satisfied and fulfilled workforce,” said Van Brooks, Director of the Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism. “We are appreciative of the many efforts of the private sector to get actively involved in the community through involvement in initiatives such as IMPACT2030, encouraging employees to dedicate time and energy towards improving the world around us.”

The meeting was the first in a series of planned discussions, concentrated on potential solutions towards addressing the most pressing needs of Baltimore City and provided meeting participants a 120-day plan to activate and impact the community through employee volunteerism. In addition to the Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism, Volunteer Maryland, and business leaders from across the region, today’s meeting included representatives from local non-profits, helping to identify and provide insight into issues important in the region.

“It’s exciting to see the powerful impact these companies can make in cities like Baltimore,” said Chris Jarvis, founder of Realized Worth and member of the IMPACT2030 board. “We look forward to working together with regional decision makers here in Baltimore, such as the Governor’s office, as well as community champions like the United Way.”

“After spending 30 years in business, I truly believe that the private sector has a unique opportunity and genuine responsibility to help society make these Goals a reality,” said Peter Bodin, Global CEO of Grant Thornton International, and the Chair of the IMPACT2030 Board of Directors. “People are the private sector’s most valuable asset and by focusing them on the Sustainable Development Goals, we can help wider society make true progress towards a better and more sustainable future for all.”

The IMPACT2030 initiative takes a collective and multi-sector approach which leverages economies of scale by encouraging collective and cooperative volunteering efforts of member organizations globally.

“We are honored to join with business leaders and local non-profits from across the region to discuss effective approaches towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and share information with stakeholders on how Volunteer Maryland’s unique model helps volunteer organizations address issues important to the community,” said Nicki Fiocco, Director of Volunteer Maryland. “Through the work of our dedicated Volunteer Coordinators, Volunteer Maryland has assisted countless organizations expand their volunteer initiatives, increase organizational capacity, and develop more meaningful experiences for volunteers, often leading to increases in returning volunteers.”

Established in 1992, Volunteer Maryland places AmeriCorps members know as Volunteer Coordinators in partner organizations to increase volunteer program efficiencies, recruit volunteers, and develop volunteer programs. Since its inception, Volunteer Maryland has developed partnerships with nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and schools across Maryland – placing Volunteer Coordinators to help bridge the gap between communities facing critical problems and citizens who want to volunteer to solve those problems. The partnerships have resulted in over 31,000 volunteers mobilized to serve 1,730,000 volunteer hours in communities around the state.

The Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism supports the mission of Maryland Governor Larry Hogan to promote and encourage service and volunteerism across the state through grant opportunities and volunteer recognition initiatives. The office also administers AmeriCorps grant funding, providing support to programs supporting disaster relief, economic opportunity, education, veterans and military families, public safety, health, and the environment in Maryland.

The Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism and Volunteer Maryland are units of the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives

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