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DRAFT – Faith Office Partners 5-13

Some of the leading organizations the Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives has collaborated with include:

  • Baltimore Jewish Council builds relationships and mutual understanding with ethnic, racial, and religious groups across Maryland; advocates at all levels of government for social justice and public resources on issues of concern to the Jewish community; and through education and action, promotes strong support for Israel and the Jewish people at home and throughout the world.
  • Central Maryland Ecumenical Council is the common instrument of the Christian community in Baltimore city and adjacent counties. It focuses efforts on human services/social justice, interfaith dialogue, and ecumenical worship.
  • Catholic Charities is a human services organization, deeply rooted in faith, and committed to having a profound impact in the communities and on the lives of those it assists and serves.
  • Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington partners with local and state organizations to reach out to government officials at the federal, state, and local levels to advance the legislative of the Jewish community in Metropolitan Washington.
  • The Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring serves thousands of families in the Washington metropolitan area. Its medical clinic provides high-quality affordable health care services to the adult population regardless of race, color, ethnicity, faith, gender, or country of Origin.
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) provides spiritual support to communities regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or faith. It supports community with free services, such as food through local Bishops, job and career training, development services, career planning, and individual coaching. The LDS Church provides an opportunity for individuals to give back or donate time to the community.
  • The Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington brings together the first in the U.S. Islamic groups with Jewish, Protestant, and Roman Catholic organizations and the dual purpose of interfaith dialogue and collaboration for social justice. Members include Baha’i, Buddhist, Hindu-Jain, Islamic, Jewish, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Protestants, Roman Catholic, Sikh, and Zoroastrian. It works to build a just community and to deepen the understanding among and about persons of diverse faiths.

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